This mod also features parachuting! Climb onto an alien tower, use a prompt to deactivate superpowers and jump off! Alternatively, you can also take an elevator to helipad when you're in Saints HQ or Three Count. Inside you can access Gateway, Terminal Z-01, Friendly Fire, take drugs, toggle superpowers and more! Ladies and gentlemen, here it is! An actual crib mod for Saints Row IV! It contains eight cribs: Broken Shillelagh, De Plane (from "De Plane Boss"), Kinzie's Warehouse, On Track night club (from "De Plane Boss"), Pleasantville house (from "A Pleasant Day"), Saints HQ (from "The Saints Flow"), Saints Row Church (from "King Me") and Three Count (from "Save the Planet", Enter the Dominatrix DLC). Traffic cone hat: Get a '3 Gold Star' rank in Vehicle Surfing. Samedi personality: Successfully complete Sons Of Samedi, Mission 11. Saints hideout: Successfully complete Prologue, Mission 3. Ronin personality: Successfully complete Ronin, Mission 11. This mod doesn't support co-op, sorry guys! Red Light apartment crib: Successfully complete Prologue, Mission 2.